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    The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) developed a method called multi-source national forest inventory (MS-NFI). The first operative results were calculated in 1990. Small area forest resource estimates, in here municipality level estimates, and estimates of variables in map form are calculated using field data from the Finnish national forest inventory, satellite images and other digital georeferenced data, such as topographic database of the National Land Survey of Finland. Six sets of estimates have been produced for the most part of the country until now and five sets for Lapland. The number of the map form themes in the most recent version, from year 2011, is 45. In addition to the volumes by tree species and timber assortments, the biomass by tree species groups and tree compartments have been estimated. The first country level estimates correspond to years 1990-1994. The most recent versions are from years 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011. The maps from 2011 is the second set of products freely available. The new set of the products will be produced annually or biannually in the future. The maps are in a raster format with a pixel size of 20mx20m and in the ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system. The products cover the combined land categories forest land, poorly productive forest land and unproductive land. The other land categories as well as water bodies have been delineated out using the elements of topographic database of the Land Survey of Finland.

  • KUVAUS Herkät vesistöt, joiden rajaus on luotu Viherkertoimen käyttöä varten. Viherkerroinmenetelmä on ekologinen suunnittelutyökalu tonttien viherpinta-alan arviointiin, minkä avulla etsitään vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisutapoja kaupunkivihreän lisäämiseen sekä hulevesien hallintaan. Määritellyillä alueilla huleveden laadulliseen hallintaan on kiinnitettävä erityistä huomiota. Aineisto perustuu hulevesiohjelmassa määritettyihin osavaluma-alueisiin, joiden avulla aineisto on rajattu. Aineisto on päivitetty 12/2023 vastaamaan uuden hulevesiohjelman valuma-alueita. Hulevesiohjelmaan liittyvän aineiston lisäksi rajausta on arvioitu asiantuntijoiden toimesta. KATTAVUUS Koko kaupunki PÄIVITYS Aineisto on laadittu viherkertoimen käyttöön ja päivittyy tiedon tarkentuessa. YLLÄPITOSOVELLUS Aineisto on tallennettu PostgreSQL-tietokantaan ja ylläpidetään QGIS-ympäristössä. KOORDINAATISTOJÄRJESTELMÄ Aineisto tallennetaan ETRS-GK24 (EPSG:3878) tasokoordinaattijärjestelmässä. GEOMETRIA Aluemainen SAATAVUUS Aineisto on saatavilla WFS- ja WMS2-rajapinnoilta. JULKISUUS, TIETOSUOJA. Avoin aineisto. VASTUUTAHO Ympäristönsuojeluyksikkö ( KENTÄT vesisto: vesistöalueen nimi

  • The Finnish Uniform Coordinate System (in Finnish Yhtenäiskoordinaatisto, YKJ) has been used in biological observation mapping since the 1970s. Based on YKJ, Finland is divided in square-shaped areas, the size of which are determined according to the needs of the study. The area division used in national biomonitoring is 10 km x 10 km squares, but in some cases 1 km x 1 km and 100 m x 100 m YKJ squares are also used. This data set includes XY-lines that form square grid in four scales according to Unified Coordinate System (100 m - 100 km), with identifiers describing each square.

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    The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) developed a method called multi-source national forest inventory (MS-NFI). The first operative results were calculated in 1990. Small area forest resource estimates, in here municipality level estimates, and estimates of variables in map form are calculated using field data from the Finnish national forest inventory, satellite images and other digital georeferenced data, such as topographic database of the National Land Survey of Finland. Ten sets of estimates have been produced for the most part of the country until now and nine sets for Lapland. The number of the map form themes in the most recent version, from year 2021, is 45. In addition to the volumes by tree species and timber assortments, the biomass by tree species groups and tree compartments have been estimated. The first country level estimates correspond to years 1990-1994. The most recent versions are from years 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021. The maps from 2021 is the sixth set of products freely available. It is also the fifth set produced by the Natural Resources Institute Finland. A new set of the products will be produced annually or biannually in the future. The maps are in a raster format with a pixel size of 16m x 16m (from 2013) and in the ETRS-TM35FIN coordinate system. The products cover the combined land categories forest land, poorly productive forest land and unproductive land. The other land categories as well as water bodies have been delineated out using the elements of the topographic database of the Land Survey of Finland.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Buildings Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Building. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Buildings Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.