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  • WFS download service for EMODnet Seabed substrate dataset: EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:1 000 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_1m), EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:250 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_250k), EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:100 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_100k), EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:50 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_50k), EMODnet Seabed substrate 1:100 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:seabed_substrate_100k), EMODnet Seabed substrate 1:250 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:seabed_substrate_250k), EMODnet Seabed substrate 1:1 000 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:seabed_substrate_1m), EMODnet Sedimention rates –Europe (Seabed_substrate:sedimentation_rates). The service is based on the EMODnet Geology dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Geological Survey of Finland. The service contains all features from the dataset that are modelled as polygons.

  • Categories  

    The Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla) developed a method called multi-source national forest inventory (MS-NFI). The first operative results were calculated in 1990. The first country level estimates correspond to years 1990-1994. Small area forest resource estimates, in here municipality level estimates, and estimates of variables in map form are calculated using field data from the Finnish national forest inventory, satellite images and other digital georeferenced data, such as topographic database of the National Land Survey of Finland. Nine sets of estimates have been produced for the most part of the country until now and eight sets for Lapland. These three themes have been produced for production of the CORINE2006. The products cover the combined land categories forest land, poorly productive forest land and unproductive land. The other land categories as well as water bodies have been delineated out using the elements of the topographic database of the Land Survey of Finland. The original map data can be downloaded from

  • KUVAUS: Tampereen rakennelmien 2D-seinälinjat aluemuotoisena geometriana korkeudeltaan nollattuna. Mukana vain valmiit ja julkisesti näytettävät rakennelmat. Virkistys aamuisin klo 6.35. KATTAVUUS: Tampereen kaupunkiseutu PÄIVITYS: Aineistoa päivitetään jatkuvasti uusien rakennelmien valmistuessa. YLLÄPITOSOVELLUS: StellaMap (DGN-tiedostot) ja FME KOORDINAATTIJÄRJESTELMÄ: Aineisto tallennetaan ETRS-GK24FIN (EPSG:3878) tasokoordinaattijärjestelmässä. GEOMETRIA: vektori (alue) SAATAVUUS: Aineisto on saatavilla WFS-rajapinnalta Tampereen kaupungin sisäiseen käyttöön sekä konsulteille sopimuksella/käyttöehdolla. Aineiston primäärilähde on Oracle-tietokanta. JULKISUUS: Aineisto on julkisesti katsottavissa Oskari-karttapalvelussa. TIETOSUOJA: Aineistoon ei liity tietosuojakysymyksiä. KENTÄT: -TYYPPI: Rakennelma, Muu rakennelma, Portaat tai esteettömyysluiska, Laituri, Piippu tai Allas -ALALUOKKA: Varastotila, Katos, Muu rakennelma, Maastoportaat, Autokatos, Joukkoliikenteen pysäkkikatos, Muu laituri, Venelaituri, Mainosrakennelma, Jätekatos, Muistomerkki, Savupiippu, Huvipuistolaite, Raunio, Katsomo, Muu piippu, Maatalousallas, Maauima-allas, Esteettömyysluiska, Hyppyrimäki, Keittokatos, Suihkulähde tai suihkukaivo -RAKENNELMALUOKKA_FACTA: Tulee rakennelmalle i_pyraknro perusteella Factasta (huom. ei löydy kaikilta rakennelmilta). -PYSYVA_RAK_NRO_FACTA: Rakennelman pysyvä rakennusnumero Factasta. AINEISTOSTA VASTAAVA TAHO: Tampereen kaupunki, Paikkatietoyksikkö,

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Buildings Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Building. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Buildings Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • The map compiles seabed samples since 1985 onwards. The data includes geographic data and metadata related to each sample, mainly based on the data produced by the Geological Survey of Finland

  • Division into administrative areas (raster) is a dataset depicting the municipal Division of Finland. The dataset Municipal Division is produced in scales 1:10,000, 1:100,000, 1:250,000, 1:1,000,000 and 1:4,500,000. The data included in the dataset in scale 1:10,000 are taken from the Cadastre. Regarding other scales, municipal boundaries have been generalised to suit the scale in question. Division into administrative areas products in raster format include municipal boundaries only. The product is a part of the open data of the National Land Survey.