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Harvester Seasons is a service designed to help with estimating evolving trafficability conditions in forested terrain based on weather and model forecast information. The full service is currently provided for the geographical area of Finland.
Sitowisen tuottama asemakaavayhdelmä sisältää kuntien rajapinnoista luettavat ajantasa-asemakaavat, jotka kootaan yhteen. Asemakaava-aineistot luetaan kuntien WFS- ja WMS-rajapinnoista ja sisältö vaihtelee kunnittain. Aineisto on saatavilla Liiterin käyttäjille tai Sitowisen Aino-palvelun kautta. Aineistot päivittyvät kuntien palveluissa kuntien omaan tahtiin. Rajapintaosoitteiden päivitykset tehdään kerran vuodessa, yleensä syksyisin. Viimeisin päivitys 01/2024. Aineiston lähde: kukin kunta. Palveluntarjoaja ei vastaa mistään vahingoista tai muista haitallisuuksista, joita virheelliset tai riittämättömät aineistot ja tiedot mahdollisesti aiheuttavat Käyttäjälle tai kolmansille osapuolille. Käyttäjän tulee tarvittaessa varmistaa aineiston oikeellisuus ja riittävyys asiasta vastaavalta viranomaiselta.
The Arctic SDI Geoportal provides access to geospatial data and services available via the Arctic SDI to support and facilitate monitoring, management and decision making, and support sustainable development in the Arctic. Specifically, the Arctic SDI Geoportal facilitates the discovery, visualization, evaluation, download and integration of geographic data from a variety of sources for the Arctic. The Arctic SDI Geoportal is the result of cooperative efforts between the National Mapping Agencies (NMAs) of the eight Arctic Council Member countries - Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States. The Arctic SDI Geoportal includes reference data (such as the Arctic SDI topographic basemap or Pan-Arctic Digital Elevation Model) and thematic data from various sources. Thematic data section includes themes such as oceans, climatology and geoscientific information. Most of the data covers the Arctic or the involved Arctic countries, but new data sources with a smaller or larger geographical extent may be accepted. The Geoportal allows searching placenames via a circumpolar gazetteer, and embedding interactive maps to any website. Some of the features require registration.
NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (OGC API Features) for Hydrography Theme contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Dam Or Weir, Land-water Boundary, Rapids, Shoreline Construction, Standing Water, Watercourse. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Hydrography Physical Waters dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Hydrography Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Land-water Boundary, Waterbodies, Man-made Objects, Hydro Point of Interest. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Hydrography Physical Waters dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
WFS download service for EMODnet Seabed substrate dataset: EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:1 000 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_1m), EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:250 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_250k), EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:100 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_100k), EMODnet Seabed substrate multiscale 1:50 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:multiscale_50k), EMODnet Seabed substrate 1:100 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:seabed_substrate_100k), EMODnet Seabed substrate 1:250 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:seabed_substrate_250k), EMODnet Seabed substrate 1:1 000 000 –Europe (Seabed_substrate:seabed_substrate_1m), EMODnet Sedimention rates –Europe (Seabed_substrate:sedimentation_rates). The service is based on the EMODnet Geology dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Geological Survey of Finland. The service contains all features from the dataset that are modelled as polygons.
NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Geographical Names Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: NamedPlace. The service is based on the Geographic Names Register of the National Land Survey of Finland. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Administrative Units Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: AdministrativeUnit, AdministrativeBoundary, Baseline, TerritorialSea, ExclusiveEconomicZone, MaritimeBoundary.InternalWaters, MaritimeBoundary.TerritorialSea ,MaritimeBoundary.ExclusiveEconomicZone. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Administrative Units dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Cadastral Parcels Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: CadastralParcel, CadastralBoundary. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.
NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Administrative Units Theme is an INSPIRE compliant direct access Web Feature Service. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: AdministrativeUnit, AdministrativeBoundary, Baseline, MaritimeZone, MaritimeBoundary. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Administrative Units dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.