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  • The Regional Stream Sediment Geochemical Mapping data set gives information on the elemental concentrations in organic sediments of small headwater streams. The samples have been taken from small headwater streams (catchment area under 30 km2) in the late summer of 1990. Sampling has been repeated for about every fourth point during the years 1995, 2000 and 2006. The number of samples was 1162 in 1990 (at a density of one sample / 300 km2), 286 in 1995, 286 in 2000 and 249 in 2006. The data set covers the whole of Finland. Stream water samples have also been taken at the same time. Sampling, processing and analysis methods have been described in the Geochemical Atlas of Finland, Part 3, p. 27 - 30 (Lahermo et. al 1996). Field observations, coordinates and element concentrations determined from samples have been made into a database, in which each record represents one sample point. The data for each sampling year have been recorded on different tables. The method of analysis is referred to with a four-character method code. The codes are as follows: 503H = mercury determination using the cold vapour method 503P = nitric acid extraction in a microwave oven, measurement with ICP-AES 503M = nitric acid extraction in a microwave oven, measurement with ICP-MS 820L = carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen determination with a LECO analyser. The element concentration data include a numerical concentration value (as mg kg-1 or ppm) and possibly a check mark. The concentration is recorded as a variable, which has a name that comprises the chemical symbol for the element and the code for the method of analysis. For example AS_503M is arsenic (As) concentration, which is determined with the ICP-MS method (503M). The next variable has a check mark, for example AS_503MT. If the numerical value following the check mark is ‘>’ or '‘<’ then the number recorded in the concentration field is the determination limit of the chemical analytical method used and the actual concentration is less than this value. If the check mark is an exclamation mark (!), the analytical result is smaller than the determination limit of the analytical method use but the (unreliable) value obtained with the measuring instrument has been entered in the database. There is no data are if the check mark is a 'x'. The original purpose of the Regional Stream Water Geochemical Mapping data set was national general geochemical mapping and the basic assessment of environmental state. Other uses are, for example, the assessment of changes in environmental state and determination of the baseline concentrations of surface water as part of the evaluation of the chemical state of catchment areas in accordance with the Water Framework Directive of the EU. The original purpose of the Regional Stream Water Geochemical Mapping data set was national general geochemical mapping and the basic assessment of environmental state. Other uses are, for example, the assessment of changes in environmental state and determination of the baseline concentrations of surface water as part of the evaluation of the chemical state of catchment areas in accordance with the Water Framework Directive of the EU.

  • LUOMUS WFS is an API to the geospatial information provided by the Finnish Museum of Natural History. The use of the service is free and doesn't require authentication.

  • DVV INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Addresses Theme is an INSPIRE compliant direct access Web Feature Service. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Address, AdminUnitName, PostalDescriptor, ThoroughfareName. The service is based on the DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto).

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Administrative Units Theme is an INSPIRE compliant direct access Web Feature Service. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: AdministrativeUnit, AdministrativeBoundary, Baseline, MaritimeZone, MaritimeBoundary. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Administrative Units dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • Categories  

    The 1:100 000 scale bedrock map data of the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) include material produced during 1948-2007 for the needs of the mapping of mineral resources, for the sustainable exploitation of aggregate resources and for scientific research. These data include lithological information as polygons, bedrock observation points and drilling sites as well as essential tectonic observations, and information on lithological primary structures, ore minerals and metamorphic index minerals. Some 1:100 000 map sheets give both stratigraphical information as well as lithological data. An explanatory text accompanies most map sheets.

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    The data set relating to overall mapping of national peat resources contains by focus area those mires over 20 ha in extent that are most important from a peat production perspective. Since 1975 additional smaller areas have been included as required. For each mire, there are data on mire type, peat type, peat reserves, peat physical properties, mires that are suitable for peat production, peat quality and exploitable peat reserves. This information is published in municipality-specific peat investigation reports that present general information on each mire investigated and their applicability to energy, horticultural and environmental peat production as well as to protection purposes, among other uses.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Hydrography Theme is an INSPIRE compliant direct access Web Feature Service. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Dam Or Weir, Land-water Boundary, Rapids, Shoreline Construction, Standing Water, Watercourse. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Hydrography Physical Waters dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Hydrography Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Land-water Boundary, Waterbodies, Man-made Objects, Hydro Point of Interest. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Hydrography Physical Waters dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • DVV INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Addresses Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Address. The service is based on the DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto).

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    NLS-FI INSPIRE Geographical Names Theme Dataset is a dataset depicting the Named Places and Geographical Names covering the whole of Finland. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: NamedPlace The elements are updated weekly. The dataset is based on the Geographic Names Register of the National Land Survey of Finland: The dataset is available via the NLS-FI INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Geographical Names Theme and it can be viewed via the NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Geographical Names.