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    DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset is a dataset depicting the Addresses of Buildings in Finland. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Address, AdminUnitName, PostalDescriptor, ThoroughfareName. The elements are updated weekly. The dataset is based on "Väestötietojärjestelmän rakennus- ja huoneistotiedot" by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto). The dataset is available via the DVV INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Addresses Theme and it can be viewed via the DVV INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Addresses.

  • Elevation zones is a raster dataset that visualises elevation of the terrain. The product covers the whole of Finland. There are four product versions available in which the pixel sizes are 32, 64, 128 and 512 metres. The dataset does not contain elevation values; it is a colour image that visualises the height of the terrain above sea level as zones. The sea is shown in light blue in the elevation zone. The product Elevation zones is available as a version that covers the whole country and as versions that cover a certain area. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • KUVAUS: Karttataso kuvastaa Tampereen kaupungin katualueiden maksuluokkia sekä niihin liittyviä tarkastus- ja valvontamaksuja. KATTAVUUS: Julkisesti kaikille käyttäjille Oskari-karttapalvelussa. PÄIVITYS: Satunnainen (vain tarvittaessa). Karttatason tietojen päivittämisestä vastaa Tampereen kaupungin Katutilavalvonnan yksikkö. YLLÄPITOSOVELLUS: Tampereen kaupungin tiedostopalvelin ja PostGIS-tietokanta KOORDINAATTIJÄRJESTELMÄ: Aineisto tallennetaan ETRS-GK24FIN (EPSG:3878) tasokoordinaattijärjestelmässä GEOMETRIA: vektori (viiva) SAATAVUUS: Aineisto on tallennettu Postgis-tietokantaan. JULKISUUS: Aineisto on nähtävillä julkisesti kaikille käyttäjille Oskari-karttapalvelussa. TIETOSUOJA: Aineistoon ei liity tietosuojakysymyksiä. AINEISTOSTA VASTAAVA TAHO: Tampereen kaupunki, Katutilavalvonta,

  • Laser scanning data refers to three-dimensional point-like data depicting the ground and objects on the ground. Each point is provided with x, y and z coordinate information. Laser scanning data is available from all of Finland. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. From 2020 onwards, laser scanning data according to the laser scanning programme will be produced. The product description of the 'Laser scanning data 5 p' according to the scanning programme is available: A spaced-out open dataset will be created from the new Laser scanning data 5 p: The characteristics of this dataset correspond to the Laser scanning data 2008–2019 dataset.

  • Laser scanning data refers to three-dimensional point-like data depicting the ground and objects on the ground. Each point is provided with x, y and z coordinate information. Laser scanning data 0.5 p has been spaced out from Laser scanning data 5 p's density of 5 p/m² to a density of 0.5 p/m². Laser scanning data 0.5 p is open data, and from 2020 onwards, it will be collected according to the national laser scanning programme (in Finnish): For the time being, it is available only from certain parts of Finland. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland. More information (in Finnish):

  • The Finnish Uniform Coordinate System (in Finnish Yhtenäiskoordinaatisto, YKJ) has been used in biological observation mapping since the 1970s. Based on YKJ, Finland is divided in square-shaped areas, the size of which are determined according to the needs of the study. The area division used in national biomonitoring is 10 km x 10 km squares, but in some cases 1 km x 1 km and 100 m x 100 m YKJ squares are also used. This data set includes XY-lines that form square grid in four scales according to Unified Coordinate System (100 m - 100 km), with identifiers describing each square.

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    The map sheet division is a system created for printing maps, which covers map sheet codes, map scales and map sheet sizes. The map sheet division is a system created for printing maps, which covers map sheet codes, map scales and map sheet sizes. Today, map sheet division is also used for other purposes. It is also possible to download other NLS datasets in addition to maps in accordance with map sheet division. The map sheet division TM35, which is based on the projected coordinate reference system ETRS-TM35FIN is in use today. Before 2007, a map sheet division that was based on the KKS coordinate reference system was used. The TM35 map sheet division consists of 7 different grid sizes, the smallest scale is 1:200,000 and the largest is 1:5000. An explanation of how the grids are further split into more detailed grids and the principles of map sheet numbering is on the National Land Survey website (in Finnish) The attribute data of the grids include map sheet number, the area of a square on the grid, perimeter and the coordinates of the centre of the square. The map sheet division is available as a file in vector format and through our contract-based WMTS service in raster format. In addition, you can view it in the geoportal Paikkatietoikkuna. The product is a part of the open data of the National Land Survey.

  • Division into administrative areas (raster) is a dataset depicting the municipal Division of Finland. The dataset Municipal Division is produced in scales 1:10,000, 1:100,000, 1:250,000, 1:1,000,000 and 1:4,500,000. The data included in the dataset in scale 1:10,000 are taken from the Cadastre. Regarding other scales, municipal boundaries have been generalised to suit the scale in question. Division into administrative areas products in raster format include municipal boundaries only. The product is a part of the open data of the National Land Survey.

  • Division into administrative areas (vector) is a dataset depicting the municipalities, regions, Regional State Administrative Agencies, and the national border of Finland. The Division into administrative areas products in vector format contain the number codes of the municipalities, the names of the municipalities in both Finnish and Swedish as well as municipal boundaries and municipal geographical areas. In addition, the products include the corresponding information about the regions, the Regional State Administrative Agencies, and the nation as well as a specification of the municipality's area into land and water area. The municipality's area is not included in the XML/GML and GeoPackage format. The dataset Municipal Division is produced in scales 1:10,000, 1:100,000, 1:250,000, 1:1,000,000 and 1:4,500,000. The data included in the dataset in scale 1:10,000 are taken from the Cadastre. Regarding other scales, municipal boundaries have been generalised to suit the scale in question. The product is a part of the open data of the National Land Survey.