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    NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Orthoimagery Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: OrthoimageCoverage. The service is based on the NLS orthophotos dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • DVV INSPIRE View Service for Buildings Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. The service is based on the DVV INSPIRE View Service for Buildings Theme dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto). The service is free to use and there are no access constraints.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Cadastral Parcels Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: CadastralParcel, CadastralBoundary. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Cadastral Parcels dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Geographical Names Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: NamedPlace. The service is based on the Geographic Names Register of the National Land Survey of Finland. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Administrative Units Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: AdministrativeUnit, AdministrativeBoundary, Baseline, TerritorialSea, ExclusiveEconomicZone, MaritimeBoundary.InternalWaters, MaritimeBoundary.TerritorialSea ,MaritimeBoundary.ExclusiveEconomicZone. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Administrative Units dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Buildings Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Building. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Buildings Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • The EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data network) Geology project collects and harmonizes marine geological data from the European sea areas to support decision making and sustainable marine spatial planning. The project partnership consists mainly of the marine departments of the geological surveys of Europe (through the Association of European Geological Surveys-EuroGeoSurveys), which have assembled marine geological information at various scales from all European sea areas (e.g., the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Barents Sea, the Iberian Coast, and the Mediterranean Sea within EU waters), the Caspian Sea and the Caribbean Sea. EMODnet seabed substrate data products include datasets at 1:1 000 000, 1:250 000, 1:100 000 and high-resolution scales (1:1 500, 1:5 000, 1:10 000, 1:15 000, 1:20 000, 1:25 000, 1:30 000, 1:45 000, 1: 50 000, 1:60 000, 1:70 000). Traditionally, European countries have conducted their marine geological surveys according to their own national standards and classified substrates on the grounds of their national classification schemes. These national classifications are harmonised into a shared EMODnet schema using Folk's sediment triangle with a hierarchy of 16, 7 and 5 substrate classes. The data describes the seabed substrate from the uppermost 30 cm of the sediment column. The datasets have been compiled at different scales from background information that depends on the original producer. In cases, the data has been generalized into a target scales. Coarser scale data (1M, 250k and 100k) describes the seabed substrate at a general level only and is not suitable for a detailed analysis. High-resolution material includes multiple scales from 1:1 500 to 1:70 000 and the user should assess its suitability for the intended purpose. The smallest cartographic unit within the data is about 4 km2 at 1:1M, 0,3km2 at 1:250k and 0,05km2 at 1:100k scale. Further information about the EMODnet Geology project is available on the centralized EMODnet portal

  • DVV INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Addresses Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Address. The service is based on the DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto).

  • NLS-FI INSPIRE View Service for Hydrography Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Land-water Boundary, Waterbodies, Man-made Objects, Hydro Point of Interest. The service is based on the NLS-FI INSPIRE Hydrography Physical Waters dataset. The dataset is administrated by the National Land Survey of Finland.

  • Kulturbyrån upprätthåller ett register med samtliga kända fornlämningar på Åland. De uppgifter som framgår är kommun, by, typ av fornlämning och datering. Fornlämningens läge motsvarar skalan 1:20 000. Det pågår hela tiden en uppdatering av registret, då tidigare okända fornlämningar upptäcks. Enligt lagen ska markägaren kontaktas när en fornlämning registreras. Om du själv upptäcker en fornlämning och är osäker på om den finns i fornlämningsregistret kontakta Kulturbyrån på Ålands Landskapsregering.