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Service types
DVV INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Addresses Theme is an INSPIRE compliant direct access Web Feature Service. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Address, AdminUnitName, PostalDescriptor, ThoroughfareName. The service is based on the DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto).
DVV INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Addresses Theme is an INSPIRE compliant Web Map Service. It contains the following harmonized INSPIRE map layers: Address. The service is based on the DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset. The dataset is administrated by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto).
DVV INSPIRE Addresses Theme Dataset is a dataset depicting the Addresses of Buildings in Finland. It contains the following INSPIRE feature types: Address, AdminUnitName, PostalDescriptor, ThoroughfareName. The elements are updated weekly. The dataset is based on "Väestötietojärjestelmän rakennus- ja huoneistotiedot" by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency (Digi- ja väestötietovirasto). The dataset is available via the DVV INSPIRE Download Service (WFS) for Addresses Theme and it can be viewed via the DVV INSPIRE View Service (WMS) for Addresses.
Digiroad is a national dataset under the responsibility of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (FTIA), which contains the centerline geometries of the road network and traffic-related attributes. Digiroad is an aggregating information system that collects data from the Velho information system of the FTIA, the Topographic Database of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS), the street information systems of municipalities, and the information systems of a few other authorities (e.g. Helsinki Region Transport HRT). The centerline geometry of Digiroad's road network is obtained from the NLS's Topographic Database. It covers all Finnish highways, streets and private roads, as well as the pedestrian/cycle routes and driving paths in the Topographic Database. In addition, the road network contains some supplementary data to the road line geometry that is not maintained by the NLS. This supplementary road link data is supplied by municipalities and the FTIA. These road links can be separated from the rest of the geometry with the help of administrative class information. Digiroad's attributes that serve the planning of mobility include, for example, functional class of the road, information about the direction of the traffic flow, road name and address information, restrictions on the use of the road and street network (e.g. closed connection, turning restriction, weight, height, length and width restrictions) and other attributes of the road network (e.g. speed limit, width, pavement information, level crossings). The Digiroad data can be downloaded from the FTIA's download and viewing service as a single package. An exception to this is the public transport stop data type, which can also be downloaded from Digiroad's website. More detailed information regarding the public transport stops can be found below in the "Associated resources" section. The data are updated in the interface every week and in the Väylävirasto's data service about 4 times a year. The data type description of the Digiroad material can be found here:
Tiedostopalvelun INSPIRE-syöte on Atom-syöte, jonka kautta on saatavilla Maanmittauslaitoksen tiedostoina ladattavat maastotieto- ja kiinteistörekisterikarttatietotuotteet. Aineistoja hallinnoi Maanmittauslaitos. Palvelun käyttö vaatii autentikointia eli tunnistautumista käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan avulla ja on avoimien aineistojen osalta maksutonta, muiden aineistojen osalta maksullista. Tunnuksen palvelun käyttöön voi tilata -osoitteesta. Tunnuksen perustaminen on maksullista.
Palvelun kautta saa käyttöön ajantasaiset rasterimuotoiset perus-, maasto- ja yleiskartat sekä ilmakuvat. Palvelu on tarkoitettu WMTS-standardia tukevien sovellusten käyttöön. Lisätietoja: Avointa palvelua voi käyttää API-avaimella. Sopimuspalvelun käyttö on maksullista ja vaatii käyttäjätunnuksen ja salasanan.
Paikkatietohakemisto is a national metadata discovery service.
Palvelu tarjoaa tietoja muun muassa liikenneverkoista, rakennuksista ja rakenteista, hallintorajoista, nimistöstä, maankäytöstä, vesistöistä ja korkeussuhteista. Aineistolähteenä on Maanmittauslaitoksen Maastotietokanta, jonka kohteita pidetään jatkuvasti ajan tasalla. Aineistot ovat Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimen tietoaineiston Nimeä CC 4.0 -lisenssin alaisia. Palvelu tarjotaan avoimena rajapintana, jonka käyttö on maksutonta. Käyttäjä tunnistetaan API-avaimella. Lue lisää Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimen rajapinnan käyttöehdoista ja API-avaimen luomisesta ja käyttämisestä.
The Topographic database is a dataset depicting the terrain of all of Finland. The key objects in the Topographic database are the road network, buildings and constructions, administrative borders, geographic names, land use, waterways and elevation. Aerial photographs, scanning data and data provided by other data providers are utilised in updating the Topographic database. The updating is done in close cooperation with the municipalities. Field checks in the terrain are also needed to some extent, mostly as regards the classification of features. The topographic database is used in the production of other map products and in various optimisation tasks. The product belongs to the open data of the National Land Survey of Finland.