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This dataset represents the density of all IMO registered ships operating in the Baltic Sea. Density is defined as the number of ships crossing a 1 x 1km grid cell. It is based on HELCOM AIS (Automatic Identification System) data. The HELCOM AIS network hosts all the AIS signals received by the Baltic Sea States since 2005. The AIS Explorer allows to compare density maps of different ship types per month: The data was processed to produce density maps and traffic statistics. All scripts are available in GitHub: The production of these maps have been carried out 2016-2017 through the HELCOM project on the assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea. The underlying AIS data processing work has been co-financed by EU projects Baltic Scope (2015-2017 EASME/EMFF/2014/ and Baltic Lines (2016-2019, Interreg Baltic Sea Region). In addition, the Ministry of the Environment of Finland supported the work with a special contribution in view of the use of the results in the HOLAS II process.
This dataset represents the density of all IMO registered ships operating in the Baltic Sea. Density is defined as the number of ships crossing a 1 x 1km grid cell. It is based on HELCOM AIS (Automatic Identification System) data. The HELCOM AIS network hosts all the AIS signals received by the Baltic Sea States since 2005. The AIS Explorer allows to compare density maps of different ship types per month: The data was processed to produce density maps and traffic statistics. All scripts are available in GitHub: The production of these maps have been carried out 2016-2017 through the HELCOM project on the assessment of maritime activities in the Baltic Sea. The underlying AIS data processing work has been co-financed by EU projects Baltic Scope (2015-2017 EASME/EMFF/2014/ and Baltic Lines (2016-2019, Interreg Baltic Sea Region). In addition, the Ministry of the Environment of Finland supported the work with a special contribution in view of the use of the results in the HOLAS II process.
Maanmittauslaitoksen laserkeilausaineiston vuorovaikutteisesti luokitellun pistepilven silta-luokan (LAS 2.0 -formaatin mukainen luokan arvo 10, Bridge) pisteistä laadittu korkeusmalli siltojen kansien korkeuksista. Siltapisteiksi on luokiteltu manuaalisesti sillat, joiden alla on vapaa veden virtauskohta. Luokittelu ja siten myös siltarasteri on tehty vain Maanmittauslaitoksen korkeusmallin KM2 laatuluokan I alueelta. Aineisto on yhteensopiva KM2-korkeusmallin kanssa (sama 2 m pikselikoko ja kohdistus). Korkeusjärjestelmänä on N2000. Aineisto kuuluu SYKEn avoimiin aineistoihin (CC BY 4.0). Käyttötarkoitus: Siltojen kansien korkeuksia tarvitaan esim. laadittaessa virtausmalleja. Korkeudet voidaan myös liittää maanmittauslaitoksen KM2-korkeusmalliin, jolloin siltojen kohdille saadaan maanpinnan tai vesistön korkeustiedon sijasta siltojen kansien korkeudet. Näin esim. saadaan mallinnettua tulvavaarakartoituksessa mahdolliset tulvan peittämäksi jääneet sillat sekä pystytään myös selvittämään tulvan saartamaksi jääneet alueet. Lisätietoja:, kuva 3