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    Road traffic accidents involving personal injury known to the police in Finland and reported to Statistics Finland, which have co-ordinate data. The data cover the following information: vvonn = year of the accident kkonn = month of the accident kello = time of the accident vakav = seriousness of the accident: 1 = accident resulting in death, 2 = accident resulting in injury, 3 = accident resulting in serious injury onntyyppi = type of accident: 0 = same direction of travel (going straight), 1 = same direction of travel (turning), 2 = opposite direction of travel (going straight), 3 = opposite direction of travel (turning), 4 = intersecting direction of travel (going straight), 5 = intersecting direction of travel (turning), 6 = pedestrian accident (on pedestrian crossing), 7 = pedestrian accident (elsewhere), 8 = running off the road, 9 = other accident lkmhapa = number of passenger cars and vans in the accident lkmlaka = number of buses and lorries in the accident lkmjk = number of pedestrians in the accident lkmpp = number of bicycles and light electric vehicles in the accident lkmmo = number of mopeds in the accident lkmmp = number of motor cycles in the accident lkmmuukulk = number of other vehicles in the accident x = x co-ordinate of the accident y = y co-ordinate of the accident The general Terms of Use must be observed when using the data:

  • Digiroad is a national dataset under the responsibility of the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency (FTIA), which contains the centerline geometries of the road network and traffic-related attributes. Digiroad is an aggregating information system that collects data from the Velho information system of the FTIA, the Topographic Database of the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS), the street information systems of municipalities, and the information systems of a few other authorities (e.g. Helsinki Region Transport HRT). The centerline geometry of Digiroad's road network is obtained from the NLS's Topographic Database. It covers all Finnish highways, streets and private roads, as well as the pedestrian/cycle routes and driving paths in the Topographic Database. In addition, the road network contains some supplementary data to the road line geometry that is not maintained by the NLS. This supplementary road link data is supplied by municipalities and the FTIA. These road links can be separated from the rest of the geometry with the help of administrative class information. Digiroad's attributes that serve the planning of mobility include, for example, functional class of the road, information about the direction of the traffic flow, road name and address information, restrictions on the use of the road and street network (e.g. closed connection, turning restriction, weight, height, length and width restrictions) and other attributes of the road network (e.g. speed limit, width, pavement information, level crossings). The Digiroad data can be downloaded from the FTIA's download and viewing service as a single package. An exception to this is the public transport stop data type, which can also be downloaded from Digiroad's website. More detailed information regarding the public transport stops can be found below in the "Associated resources" section. The data are updated in the interface every week and in the Väylävirasto's data service about 4 times a year. The data type description of the Digiroad material can be found here: